Proper nutrition can help the healing process. Nutrients supply the body with energy. They provide substances that build and maintain healthy organs and fight infections.


Substance use harms the body in two ways:


Recovery from substance use also affects the body, including metabolism (energy processing), organ function, and mental well-being.
The impact of different drugs on nutrition is described below:


Opiates and opioids (including codeine, oxycodone, heroin, and morphine) affect the digestive system. Constipation is a very common symptom of substance use. Symptoms that are common during withdrawal include:

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insufficient nutrients

These symptoms can lead to insufficient nutrients and an imbalance of electrolytes (such as sodium, potassium, and chloride).

balanced meals

Eating balanced meals can reduce the severity of these symptoms (however, eating can be difficult due to nausea).

high-fibre diet

A high-fibre diet with complex carbohydrates (such as whole grains, vegetables, peas, and legumes) is recommended.

Alcohol Addiction Intervention

Alcohol consumption is one of the leading causes of nutritional deficiency in the United States. The most common deficiencies are that of B vitamins ( B1, B6 and folic acid ).

Nervous System

A deficiency of these nutrients causes anaemia and nervous system (neurological) problems.

Syndrome Occurs

For example, a condition called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome ("wet brain") occurs when excessive alcohol consumption causes a deficiency of B1.

Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol consumption also causes damage to two major organs involved in metabolism and nutrition: the liver and the pancreas.

Harmful Substances

The liver removes toxins from harmful substances. The pancreas regulates blood sugar and fat absorption.

Damage to these two organs results in an imbalance of fluids, calories, protein, and electrolytes. Other complications include:

A poor diet in a pregnant woman, especially if she consumes alcohol, can impair the growth and development of the baby in the womb. Babies exposed to alcohol while in the womb often have physical and mental problems. Alcohol affects the growing baby as it crosses the placenta. After birth, the baby may experience withdrawal symptoms.
Laboratory tests for protein, iron, and electrolytes may be needed to determine if liver disease is present besides the alcohol problem. Women who drink heavily are at high risk of osteoporosis and may need to take calcium supplements.


Using stimulants (such as crack, cocaine, and methamphetamines ) decreases appetite and leads to weight loss and malnutrition.
Users of these drugs can stay awake for days. They may become dehydrated and suffer from electrolyte imbalances during these episodes. Returning to a normal diet can be difficult if there has been significant weight loss.
Memory problems, which can be permanent, are a complication of long-term use of stimulants.


Marijuana can increase appetite. Some consumers may be overweight and need to reduce fat, sugar, and calories.